Thursday, February 8, 2007

Exclusive Information regarding the content of the Book!!

The Book “Saddam’s Hangover + 3 other equally insane skits” broaches some of last year’s most controversial issues and treats them with the sensitivity of a pit bull.

The volatile issue of the British Muslim Women’s right to wear veils; the introduction of the contentious new Domestic Violence Act; and, of course, the most controversial global incident­ to happen in years; the execution of a universally known figure that half the world calls notorious and the other half calls victim. Added to these three explosive pieces is a ludicrous retelling of William Shakespeare’s most talked about play Hamlet.

P.S- The language is extremely graphic so if any kid manages to get his hands on the book he better lie to his parents about it.

Remember kids, lying is good and, not to mention, very useful at most times.


Anonymous said...

what book is this?

Anonymous said...

funny title, hope the book lives upto it.